Class Schedule - Youth

Time: 11:00AM
Day: M
Available To: Youth (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 64

By studying salesmanship, Scouts can learn self-confidence, motivation, friendliness, and the persistence necessary to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Sales can offer a challenging and rewarding career for those who enjoy interacting with people from all walks of life.
  American Business
Time: 11:00AM
Day: W
Available To: Youth (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 67

Earning the American Business merit badge can help Scouts learn practical business matters that will be useful throughout life. Learning how businesses function will help you understand society and uncover a number of career options.
  Home Repairs
Time: 11:00AM
Day: TH
Available To: Youth (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 51

Successfully completing this badge's requirements can lead to a lifetime of personal and financial rewards: Doing basic home repairs provides a sense of personal pride in one's achievements and increased self-confidence. In addition, safe and successful do-it-yourselfers can easily save a family thousands of dollars in repair bills over the years.
Time: 3:00PM
Day: TU
Available To: Youth (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 72

Collecting can be an educational and financially rewarding pastime: a collector must educate himself about a specific subject, be able to tell which items are worth preserving, how to catalog and organize his collection, and how to evaluate the value of items.
  Wilderness Survival
Time: 1:00PM
Day: F
Available To: Youth (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 62

In their outdoor activities, Scouts learn to bring the clothing and gear they need, to make good plans, and do their best to manage any risks. But now and then, something unexpected happens. When things go wrong, the skills of wilderness survival can help make everything right again.